Analyzing an eCommerce SEO Case Study


Many of the best eCommerce SEO agencies out there generate reputability with SEO case studies.

But not all case studies are created equal, and in fact, some are just not worth your time.

Others, however, are. In fact, many of them are. You just need to know what to look for. When you’re looking at an eCommerce SEO case study, here’s what to consider.

Make Sure the Client Is Disclosed

Although it might not be welcome news, some agencies might gild the lily a bit with case studies by leaving out details about the client, or by creating aggregates of several clients.

Worse, some might even fabricate clients completely in order to make it seem like they’re generating results for a client that doesn’t really exist.

One way to poke holes in this approach is to make sure the client in question is real and that you can confirm this with a quick Google search.

Look for Details the Agency Considered in the Industry

Some clients face a lot of competition from many different sellers. Others might face regulations regarding what they can and can’t say, which is important in SEO considering content is king.

Consider the size and scope of the campaign created by the agency’s eCommerce SEO experts. Some accounts might really merit a big lift but the client might not be willing to pay for a sizable campaign.

What sorts of audits did the agency perform in order to prepare for the campaign? These are the sorts of things you should look for in a case study.

Get the Low-Down on What Actual Ranking Factors the Agency Produces

This part is huge. Some eCommerce SEO agencies don’t do all that much. In some circumstances, all they’ll do is sell a few links and update some page titles on the eCommerce platform.

That often doesn’t cut it. What technical factors were optimized? What sorts of content were published and optimized?

How did the agency make beneficial changes to the website, and how did they monitor results of the marketing strategy?

All in all, make sure you can see what sorts of optimizations the agency made to the client website.

What Challenges Were Present?

In some industries, there are PPC restrictions. Were these restrictions present in the case study mentioned?

Were there legal considerations regarding verbiage that could or couldn’t be used? Was there a limited budget? Was coming up with a coherent content stream a challenge? Did keyword research only yield high-difficulty or low-volume long-tail keywords?

All campaigns should be unique in some sense, and many are peppered with similar but slightly different challenges.

A case study should illustrate these and educate a reader on what steps an agency took through the eCommerce SEO strategy to overcome them.

Look at the Data

Lastly, and most importantly, a case study should contain data, not just words, that conveys how effectively it implemented its optimizations.

Search engine optimization can’t control everything, but it can have a positive impact on impressions, clicks, overall keyword rankings, and generally positive effects on user metrics like time on page, pages per session, and organic conversions and sales. Organic traffic and conversion rates to the online store in question should be positive, and the case study should be data driven.

Any case study that doesn’t have data – throw it right out and keep shopping. If they can’t (or don’t) show data it means they didn’t produce results.

Shopping the Best eCommerce SEO Agency

Now that you know what to look for in an eCommerce SEO case study, let’s take a look at some other things that qualify the best eCommerce SEO agencies out there:

  • Several years in business (ideally more than 10)
  • A host of positive reviews and testimonials (onsite and offsite)
  • A client portfolio with several published case studies
  • An active blog
  • Competitive organic results of their own (they show up in Google)
  • Active social media accounts
  • A professional-looking website
  • Competent customer service

If you can find an SEO agency that checks off all of these boxes and has published quality case studies, you may have found a winner. Give them a call and get talks started.