A Magento SEO Checklist to Help Improve Your Rankings


Magento is one of the best eCommerce platforms out there right now. Offering plenty of room for customization, fast load times, great third-party integrations, and support for hundreds of thousands of products, it’s easy to see why any store owner would want to use this platform in order to build a successful online business.

Selecting a rock-solid eCommerce platform is just the start, though. You also have to pay close attention to your digital marketing in order to attract customers and get sales. Your Magento SEO has to be implemented correctly, starting with a thorough understanding of what keywords you need to target, along with the proper technical updates as well.

If you are currently on Magento and you want to make sure your website is performing at its best, this quick SEO checklist might help get you started in the right direction.

Magento SEO Tips That Will Help Boost Your Rankings
There’s a lot more to SEO than simply peppering in some keywords throughout your website. If you have found it difficult to rank high in Google and other search engines, it’s likely because you are not paying attention to certain key SEO fundamentals, or you lack a defined strategy. The following tips are worth taking into consideration if you want to improve your rankings and start generating more traffic and sales to your Magento store.

  • Go through your website and optimize it for speed and user experience. One of the issues that many store owners face with Magento is that the wide range of flexibility and design options results in a website that is slow, crowded, and clunky. Try optimizing the size of your product images, using a lightweight theme, and reducing the number of apps and integrations you are using.
  • Reduce duplicate content. While this isn’t a major issue, you still want to avoid it whenever possible. Redundant or thin content strewn throughout your Magento store doesn’t do much for your users and may send the wrong signals to Google as well. Always try to fill your website with original, informative content.
  • Keep an eye on your out-of-stock products and try not to have any empty categories. Empty or useless pages on your website are bad for user experience and could result in a higher bounce rate, which could push you down in the Google pecking order.
  • Optimize your URLs. Category pages and blog URLs should make sense, not have gibberish in them, and should also feature relevant keywords or phrases that you intend on ranking for. Also, try and make your URLs as clean and concise as possible. Long URLs look unprofessional and may be less valuable for SEO.
  • Keep your Magento website updated with useful information for your readers, specifically in-depth blog content. Although it can be time-consuming to put together, a blog is a must if you are trying to outrank the competition. Be sure to have a game plan for each and every blog you write, and seek to create the most valuable content on the web for a particular subject. Using important keywords that you want to rank for is important as well.

If you follow these SEO tips you will much more likely to improve your rankings and start pulling in organic traffic. However, even if you have experience with digital marketing and know your Magento website in and out, it can still be difficult to pull off a Magento SEO campaign yourself.

Rather than attempt to implement these changes on your own, it makes sense to contact a veteran team of eCommerce SEO experts that can implement these changes for you. 1Digital is the Magento agency you want to hire if you are thinking about seriously improving your rankings. They know exactly what it takes to put together a winning marketing strategy for eCommerce businesses. Call them today at 888-982-8269 for further information.

Author is a freelance writer and having successful experience in writing about Internet Marketing Services. Currently he is writing about how to choose Ecommerce PPC Management and Ecommerce SEO Agency.