Improve UX With a Smart Shopify Website Design


A great-looking website isn’t simply valuable on the aesthetic level. Functionality and user experience come into play when you are dealing with the way in which a website is designed. This is all the more important for eCommerce websites that need to be smart and intuitive in order to ensure that users can easily navigate the site and purchase the products they are looking for.

To meet the expectations of your customers, you may need to invest in a Shopify website design. These days, it’s more important than ever to make sure your website or online store not only looks the part, but feels like a professional site as well.

The Benefits of a Shopify Website Design Done Right
You might think that the look of your website doesn’t matter so long as you have the products your customers are looking for. This is only true to a fault. At a certain point, an outdated design will begin to turn customers away. Not only is it a functionality issue, but it’s also a trust issue.

Shoppers don’t want to put their faith and money in a website that could potentially be shady, and nothing says “shady” on the Web like an outdated website. The reasoning behind this line of thinking is that if a business is even half worth its salt, it would have the money to afford a trendy, fully functional website. Many outdated and spam kinds of websites feature older designs, because they are simply tools being used to scam users. It’s vital that if you want to compete at the highest levels of your industry, that your website looks like a contender to begin with.

Shopify has plenty of beautiful themes to start with, but these basic templates are not going to pull off a professional look without an expert to make certain tweaks and customizations. There’s only so much a plain template can provide in terms of looks and functionality, so at a certain point most online businesses wind up investing in custom design and development anyway. For eCommerce businesses, this is even more common, because a fully functional online store typically needs more than the average amount of customizations in order to fully meet the needs of its customers.

Another main benefit of investing in a Shopify website design is that the store itself will work as expected. You want to make sure that your storefront works just like any professional online store, and won’t have glitches or outdated systems that could cause the user confusion or make them suspect that their data isn’t safe or that they won’t get their purchase. Trust is huge with eCommerce, so you want to prioritize this and accommodate your users as much as possible. A professional design for your Shopify store is the least you can do to assuage their fears and engender them to your brand.

Where Can You Go to Get Your Shopify Website Designed Professionally?
Not every digital agency knows how to build a functional online store, or work in Shopify to create beautiful custom solutions that increase sales. You need the help of a trusted Shopify Plus partner that knows how to craft stunning designs that also boost UX.

1Digital® is the right agency for the job, as they have extensive experience working on Shopify, creating custom designs and helping store owners to improve their eCommerce businesses in every way possible. This is the team you want to connect with if you are serious about strengthening your Shopify store and succeeding online. Call them today at 888-982-8269 for more information.

Author is a freelance writer and having successful experience in writing about Internet Marketing Services. Currently he is writing about how to choose Shopify + Partner and Ecommerce Seo Services.


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