Why Hire a Shopify SEO Agency to Help Your Online Business


Since the pandemic began, the number of online businesses skyrocketed. According to Digital Commerce 360, the pandemic contributed an extra $218.53 billion to e-commerce’s bottom line over 2020 and 2021. Needless to say, it’s been an exciting time in the eCommerce realm– for both buyers and sellers.

However, this has directly affected competition, making it difficult for many businesses to succeed in the eCommerce market. This is precisely why the prevalence of digital marketing agencies has grown in the last few years. They aim to help their eCommerce business-owning customers improve their visibility and overall revenue with specifically orchestrated campaigns and other techniques.

One fine example of such is a Shopify SEO agency called 1Digital® Agency. At 1Digital®, their team is composed of solely knowledgeable, diligent, and professional members geared towards making your business as successful as it can be.

But why exactly should you hire a Shopify SEO agency like 1Digital® Agency to assist you in your online business? To help orchestrate this in a creative manner, we created an acrostic poem with “Shopify” because hey– why not? Running your own business should be fun, after all– including conducting research on how to grow it!

Search Engine Optimization
These types of agencies know what it takes to improve your business’s SEO or search engine optimization. When your customers “Google” something in your niche, you want to be the first one they come across and click to answer their question, right?

Absolutely right. That’s because these clicks will add up, as will your overall brand awareness, and these clicks will very likely end in completed purchases. And that’s what we like to see!

Hours of Your Time Saved
Listen: it is no secret that running your own business can be exhausting and time-consuming. There is a whole lot that you need to accomplish day in and day out– and you still need time for your family and friends to boot!

By hiring a knowledgeable Shopify SEO agency, you can save a lot of your own time not working on your website yourself because you’ve dispersed that responsibility to someone else.

On-site and Off-Site Content
When you are running an eCommerce site, you need it to have authority. By having authority with your potential clients and with search engines like Google, you will be more likely to rank first on search engine result pages. That, however, entails many steps, just one of them being optimized on-site and off-site content.

On-site content is your website’s blogs, product pages, etc. Off-site content, on the other hand, is used primarily to build backlinks (they just increase your authority, so long as they have authority themselves). You need them both to truly succeed!

Pearls of eCommerce Wisdom Throughout Your Website
Because these agencies have “seen it all,” so to speak, they know how to fix errors promptly or even before they arrive. That, and they can use their “pearls of wisdom” in terms of eCommerce and implement them on your website to really make an impact in the eCommerce space.

Immediate and Long-Term Results
You can notice instant differences (like your Shopify store’s layout, design, copy, etc.) and witness long-term results (increased conversions, clicks, impressions, and revenue)!

Funnel Business
With the right SEO campaign in place, they can truly funnel the right clientele to your online business! And, really, what business owner wouldn’t like that point alone?

Your Business’ Success
All in all, your business can prosper at the hands of a Shopify SEO agency like 1Digital® Agency. They can make all of your business dreams come true by bringing in the attention of your desired customers– the attention it rightfully deserves!

Give them a call today at 888-982-8269 or browse their offerings to find out more!

For more information about Ecommerce SEO Expert and Magento SEO Company Please visit: 1Digital Agency.