Wondering How an eCommerce SEO Agency Can Help You Save Money? [Read This]


I have a background in both blogging and in eCommerce. In some areas, there is a lot of common ground between them. When I got serious about publishing and selling online, I learned a lot about digital marketing.

My takeaway is clear: If you hire a qualified eCommerce SEO agency, not only will you save money, but you will also get better results.

Let’s start with blogging. When I launched my first blog a few years ago, I seriously underestimated how long it would take not only to draft, write, and publish long-form posts that would actually rank and get readers, but how long it would take to configure and optimize them.

I’m not a designer. I know my way around WordPress but I am in no way speedy when it comes to optimizing the platform. Truth be told, I can write a 6,000-word post more quickly than I can configure and optimize it in WordPress.

Here’s another problem. I budgeted almost zero time for keyword research. I know this now, but I didn’t know it then. You can’t optimize either a draft or an actual blog post without first having a set of target keywords.

In a nutshell, I spent as much time drafting, configuring, and editing blogs in WordPress as I spent writing them. It took me far too long to edit page codes, metadata, alt data, and those other little ranking signals.

And then I realized it wasn’t properly optimized for lucrative target keywords in the first place!

Now let’s talk a little bit about eCommerce, because when I launched my first eCommerce store (recently) I figured I could handle organic SEO and content marketing on my own. I was probably more wrong about that than I’ve been about anything in my life.

I had the same problem that I had earlier, except I didn’t realize anything about keyword strategy and competition for short-tail keywords is even fiercer in eCommerce. On top of that, the search intent behind these keywords is totally different. When I was blogging, I could answer basic questions and get readers. In eCommerce, that paradigm is flipped on its head.

Worst of all, I now no longer had to manage only a content schedule. I had to manage orders, inventory, payments, and site updates and integrations. I had plug-ins for payment gateways, leaving reviews, and SEO, among other things.

I was in way over my head. Products were selling – but thank goodness it was at a trickle because I would have sunk if I had to manage more than a few wayward orders per day.

At the end of a few weeks, I realized I was basically paying more in terms of the value of my time and the cost of my platform subscription than I was getting back in revenue from sales.

Something had to give. Either I had to scrap the whole thing and go back to my day job, or I had to get serious about digital marketing. And there was no way under the sun I was doing that alone.

So I rolled up my sleeves and did a little rooting around online looking for an eCommerce SEO agency before I landed on 1DigitalⓇ Agency. My experience has been nothing but positive.

They’re serious, and direct, and they shoot straight. Plus, they specialize in eCommerce. They’re not just trying to get pages to rank for nonsense keywords. Their aim is to get eCommerce product and category pages to the tops of the SERPs for competitive, transactional, and commercial keywords so that customers can find those pages and convert.

I can’t make any promises, but I can tell you what they did for me. I now no longer spend every second of every day trying to wrangle updates at the product page level and write blog posts about keywords I don’t really understand simply because I hope in some way that they will help my online store. That didn’t help my SEO strategy because I had no strategy.

Administration of the website is in my camp and optimization is in theirs. More customers have steadily trickled in and I’ve never been happier. At least I can sleep knowing I have a functional website that actually shows up in the search engine results pages.

Anyway, the point is I didn’t have the resources to go full-bore with digital marketing and I have to guess other online business owners are in the same boat I was. You have a full-time job already and working with eCommerce SEO specialists can help you compartmentalize and use resources where it makes the most sense to do so.

Also – their SEO experts, on top of managing content, on-page optimization, and link-building, also offer web design, development, and consulting services. If you need more than eCommerce SEO services; if you need a full suite of digital marketing plans plus redesign work and consulting for growth, they’re your agency.

Get in touch with them like I did at 888-982-8269 or start by checking out their website (1DigitalAgency.com) where you can learn all about their long-term search engine optimization (SEO) and other marketing strategies.

I was happy after I did. You probably will be too.

For more information about Magento SEO Services and eCommerce PPC Company Please Visit : 1 Digital Agency.


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