A Digital Agency That Knows eCommerce SEO


There are plenty of agencies out there that offer “SEO services,” but how many do you know that cater to eCommerce sites specifically?

An eCommerce SEO agency will be able to help you navigate through unique problems that online stores face, such as ranking for ultra-competitive keywords and improving organic sales for lagging products. While ordinary search engine optimization will help, you need a more sophisticated solution if you really want to rank higher on Google and start generating more traffic.

The Difference With eCommerce SEO There are many facets of eCommerce SEO services that differentiate them from other kinds of SEO. Here are just a few important examples that you will want to take note of:

●eCommerce SEO takes buyer search intent into account

●Often have to dig deeper for long-tail keywords in order to make inroads in competitive markets and saturated niches ●Have to prove value to Google in terms of the shopping experience

●Take category and product pages into account, not just blogs

●Need a backlinking strategy that takes products and competition into account

●The eCommerce SEO agency you select must have an in-depth knowledge of a variety of eCommerce platforms, not just common platforms like WordPress. This includes BigCommerce, Shopify, Magento, and similar platforms.

As you can see, just from these points alone it’s clear that eCommerce SEO is an entirely different subject than typical optimizations. You need a far more robust strategy and an eCommerce mindset from the outset, otherwise you likely won’t be able to produce results.

Another way eCommerce SEO differs, and why choosing the right agency is crucial, is that you need a team that knows what they are doing when it comes to keywords. The proper research here can determine the fate of the entire campaign.

There are plenty of keywords that, while potentially viable, aren’t all that valuable or logical from an eCommerce standpoint. Then you have related keywords that might work on a product page but will need to be carefully adapted for blog content, otherwise it will appear unnatural and to Google, this looks spammy.

A knowledgeable SEO team will already have experience dealing with these issues. It’s crucial that if you actually want your SEO campaign to bear fruit, that you invest your time and money into an agency that has a long history of providing services in this category that get results time and time again.

The Right eCommerce SEO Agency For Your Online Business You could select an ordinary agency, but that could easily lead to a dead end for your business. Instead of trying to get a vanilla agency to somehow magically learn everything there is to know about eCommerce, it makes far more sense to invest in an eCommerce SEO agency that has a strong eCommerce background and can give you a superior experience all the way around.

Choosing the right agency can actually help you grow your business, and not simply from the standpoint of generating more traffic and sales. Yes, organic sales are an amazing metric that can help bolster your online store. In fact, for many eCommerce shope, gaining more organic sales is the goal of digital marketing entirely.

However, a smart agency like Genius eCommerce® will actually grow your business in a variety of other ways. They will carefully assist you as you grow, helping you overcome development hurdles and with managing your advertising budget. Genius eCommerce® can even tackle your social media woes as well.

A digital agency that specifically knows how to build eCommerce brands from the ground up and manage their marketing at every level: that’s Genius eCommerce®. Get in touch with them today for more information on how you can get more organic sales and grow your online store!


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