Is BigCommerce Good for SEO? [SEO Features According to a BigCommerce SEO Agency]


One of the most popular searches out there is something along the lines of “Is BigCommerce good for SEO?” It must be so popular, in fact, that Google has devoted a “People Also Ask” section for it on certain search results pages.

So, the question, then – is BigCommerce really good for SEO? To get our answer, we went straight to an experienced BigCommerce SEO agency – Genius eCommerce. This is how they broke it down.

Site Security
Site security is something you won’t need to worry too much about if you sign up for a plan with BigCommerce since it is a hosted, SaaS platform.

BigCommerce websites actually come with a free SSL certificate, so you’ll automatically get a sense of security (which is a ranking signal) although you can choose your own.

Site Structure
BigCommerce prides itself on flexibility, and in no area is this more readily apparent than in the site structure advantages that the platform offers.

First, BigCommerce automatically generates a sitemap, but it gets better. It automatically updates links in your sitemap as the store evolves.

Also, BigCommerce makes it easy to create, adjust and manage product and category listings, giving you pretty good control and leverage over how the website is set up. That’s very good for SEO.

Unique, Optimized URLs
It’s a small ranking factor, but every little bit counts. Every page is automatically assigned a unique URL (no duplicates, which is a good thing). BigCommerce also automatically generates “SEO-Friendly URLs.” However, the platform also gives you the flexibility to change the URL structure, settings, and slug as you see fit.

Ease of Implementing 301 Redirects
Another great thing about BigCommerce – for both SEO and UX – is the fact that BigCommerce automatically creates 301 redirects for broken links, or if you rename a product, for instance.

That way, you won’t lose any traffic due to a happenstance change in page name or URL structure. BigCommerce has you covered there since broken links are a killer for SEO.

Metadata (or as BigCommerce calls it, Microdata) is also very easy to adjust on the BigCommerce platform, which is a big boon for eCommerce merchants that are neither familiar with SEO nor with coding and computers.

BigCommerce stores simply on-page optimization by making title tags and meta descriptions easy to access and edit in order to keep your website SEO-optimized. This gives a big boost to an online store’s on-page SEO. There are plugins you can use to make it easier, too, but with BigCommerce they are not necessary.

CDN/Blog Built-In, Easy to Manage
BigCommerce has a very effective, built-in CDN (content delivery network) that vastly helps improve the user experience by helping to optimize the speed at which a page delivers content to a user.

This is (no pun intended) technically a technical ranking signal since it is related to site speed, but since it also has to do with content, we should mention that BigCommerce also comes with a built-in blog that doesn’t need heavy configuration or coding to launch. It’s basically ready to go.

So, with a BigCommerce plan, you can get your BigCommerce SEO services launched basically on the day you launch the site. All you need is a little keyword research, add an SEO strategy, and start publishing content to bring in organic traffic.

Hire a Qualified BigCommerce SEO Agency to Get the Job Done
So, in short, BigCommerce, for what it’s worth, is pretty good for SEO. That said, no site comes out of the box fully optimized. That’s impossible – you still need to perform keyword research, develop an SEO plan, actually optimize it, start link building, and more.

For that, partner with a strategic provider or a dedicated BigCommerce SEO agency like Genius eCommerce for long-term success. They’re BigCommerce SEO experts (well versed in this eCommerce platform) and have developed eCommerce SEO strategies for clients in countless industries.

To learn more about their process or to find answers to your specific questions, get in touch with them or visit their website ( today.

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