WordPress SEO Experts: The Truth About Their Costs

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SEO is a critical component of digital marketing, and if your business is using WordPress Content Management Systems, you need WordPress SEO experts to help you optimize your site and grow your business.

The problem is small WordPress businesses often overlook the importance of WordPress SEO services with most of them not including it in their budget. Because the cost of SEO can be complicated as there is no standard price for the services, it’s understandable that some businesses ignore it.

What you need to know, however, is that you get what you pay for when it comes to SEO packages. Although there are SEO consultants who don’t charge what they’re worth, the truth is it takes a lot to rank on Google and other search engines.

When you consider all of the work and coordination that goes into SEO and hire cheap services for what is a highly technical field, know that you might not receive the services taken out of the package in order for the agency to offer a low price.

There is a difference between affordable WordPress SEO services and services where the SEO professionals are deliberately undercutting their efforts to keep their costs low.

At low prices, you’re not talking about full-SEO treatment, which includes the expertise of the professional and the services needed to generate real results.

So when you’re paying for SEO for your WordPress site, think of it as a long-term investment and not a cost.

There are three aspects that your SEO must have:

Technical SEO
Technical SEO refers to optimizing your website so it’s easy for search engines to crawl and index your pages. It can also refer to any technical SEO best practices aimed at increasing your exposure in search results.

It encompasses a variety of high-level components. Here are some:

● Canonical tags
● Structured data
● Sitemaps
● Page speed
● Robots.txt
● Internal links
● Javascript
● Site architecture
● Duplicate content, and more.

On-Page SEO
On-page optimizations are concerned with optimizing page elements of your WordPress websites to improve organic traffic. The goal is to ensure that your page appears in more searches so you’ll get more high-quality traffic, which could lead to higher conversion rates.

Some of the elements of on-page optimization include:

● Quality content
● Title tag
● Meta description
● Clear and descriptive URL
● Header tags
● Links, and more

Off-Page SEO
Off-page SEO helps your website gain recognition and domain authority. Without authority, Google will continue to rank you below sites it deems more important.

Off-page SEO is important since it informs search engines that your website is relevant to other people on the internet, letting your page rank higher.

While links aren’t the only off-page signals used by Google’s algorithm to rank a website, they are one of the most important.

Backlinks can help increase page or domain authority because when one site links to another, authority is passed on. When a site is completely optimized, it can take advantage of all the backlinks it receives.

Optimizing a website properly entails a number of time-consuming operations that must be maintained on a regular basis. If you’re not paying for it, then you’re not getting the SEO you need.

When you’re looking for a WordPress SEO expert, look for reviews, testimonials, and case studies to see if he can deliver the help you need at a cost you can afford.

Not all WordPress SEO professionals and agencies are the same. You should spend some time researching each and selecting the one that you believe will help your company get exposure and conversions. If you’re an eCommerce company, make sure you get one who has an experience with your industry.

Check out Genius eCommerce®. They specialize in eCommerce businesses and have helped hundreds of eCommerce companies achieve their SEO goals. Get in touch with them today.


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