15 Fun Facts About Shopify You Need to Know

Search Engine, Searching, Internet, Web Page

Online shopping has skyrocketed in recent years, boosting the eCommerce space to previously unprecedented levels. According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, $791.7 billion during 2020 on e-commerce, up 32.4% from 2019.

That’s quite an impressive number, we would wager. One of the main contributors to making all this “magic” happen is Shopify. While Shopify has been around for years, servicing both merchants and buyers with its unique and incomparable services, it truly made an impact in the eCommerce space as of late.

But, before you go ahead and create your own online store with Shopify or even go insofar as to hire a Shopify SEO company to do it all for you, you should know some more about this service (and decipher if it is indeed right for you!).

What Is Shopify?
Shopify is a convenient, easy-to-use, all-in-one platform that hosts online businesses. All types of businesses use Shopify, whether they be solely online, in-person, or a combination of both, in order to reach their eCommerce goals from beginning to end.

Shopify offers several enticing benefits to its merchants, such as a point-of-sale system, payments, marketing, shipping, customer service, social media integration, large inventory capabilities, and plenty of other excellent options.

15 Fun Facts About Shopify
Now that we have a general overview of what Shopify is, let’s take a look at just 15 fun facts about this platform.

1. In 2018, Shopify hit its one billionth sale.

2. In 2020, Shopify had more than 58 million visits.

3. The full-year 2020’s revenue was $2,929.5 million.

4. Shopify hosts 1,700,000 businesses across the globe.

5. Shopify Is available in 175 Countries

6. Shopify started as a snowboard store!

Here’s a little more information on this fun fact: Tobias Lütke and Scott Lake founded Snowdevil in June 2006, which sold snowboards online. It wasn’t until June 2009 that the company expanded by launching an application programming interface (API) platform along with an App Store. Developers could use the API to create apps for Shopify online stores and sell them on their App Store.

7. Shopify Has Over 3,200 Apps.

With over 3,200 apps, Shopify gives you ample opportunities to grow your business even more as these assist in monetizing your online store. Some of the best include Seguno, Plug In SEO, Oberlo, Kit, and Smile.

8. According to Statista, Shopify has nearly 10.98% of the total e-commerce market share as of April 2021. It is in third place behind WooCommerce and Squarespace.

9. Shopify’s revenues for the 2020 second quarter rose 97% to $714.3 million in comparison to the same period a year previous.

10. Shopify Sales are 10 times higher than eBay’s.

11. During 2020’s Black Friday/Cyber Monday weekend, Shopify announced a record $5.1+ billion in sales.

12. There are numerous “Big Names” that use Shopify, such as Nestle, Pepsi, Budweiser, Penguin Books, Tesla Motors, and Red Bull.

13. In June 2020, Shopify announced that in 2019, businesses on Shopify supported over 2 million full-time jobs all over the world.

14. As of March 2021, Shopify has contributed $319 Billion in Global Economic Activity.

15. Over 50% of Shopify stores get repeat purchases.

Think a Shopify SEO Company Isn’t Worth It? Think Again!
While Shopify is indeed profitable for numerous businesses of varying industries and niches across the globe, reaping the most benefits on your own is no small feat. That is precisely why you should closely consider hiring a knowledgeable Shopify SEO company to assist you.

Genius eCommerce in particular is one of the best options around. They really are the “geniuses” of the eCommerce world and know just how to make the most of your Shopify online store. Send them an email today to get started at [email protected].