Do BigCommerce Designs Affect User Experience Differently?


There is no one single answer to which eCommerce platform, theme or design is the best. Suggesting there is one single solution to any problem in eCommerce would be like saying that all customers are the same, and the truth is that they’re not. That statement is not even vaguely true.

This is the reason that marketers spend so much money and time every year researching customer preferences before attempting to develop new products, line extensions or brand designs. Success in business is understanding that all customers have unique preferences. When you understand that you can deliver a custom solution.

This is relevant to the design and interface of your eCommerce website. A platform like BigCommerce, as well received and evaluated as it has proven to be, does not bake success right in. What a platform like this can do is streamline your approach, make it easier to manage inventory, customer accounts, payments and order information, and free you from the need to host and secure your own eCommerce website. The rest is up to you.

That involves but is in no way limited to creating the best BigCommerce designs. The design your website uses, along with the tools that are integrated into it, are an extension of your brand. They influence every aspect of how visitors to your website will interact with it. They will influence how users consume content and whether or not they will ultimately end up committing to a purchase. The design your website uses will influence how users “feel” your business.

In the absence of an actual, physical storefront, this thrusts BigCommerce designs into the spotlights. Some eCommerce sites feature web designs that are visually heavy and stun the customer with vivid imagery. Others have more refined, elegant, text-heavy designs that place a lot of emphasis on the voice of the organization. Neither one is right, and neither one is wrong. They’re both successful options but need to be applied to the right audience at the right time.

The visual interface of your online store will also be impacted by the responsive eCommerce design that your theme offers, if it offers any. This is another separate, distinct, but equally important aspect of selling online. The shopping experience will be vastly impacted by how your design scales to screens of different sizes – particularly to the smaller screens of mobile devices. This is another aspect of eCommerce that you need to weigh. Without a proper responsive design, you’re leaving money sitting on the table.

Because there are so many open-ended questions on the table, settling on or even developing a quality BigCommerce design that will appeal to and meet the needs of your target customers is paramount to success. The issue is that it is also a resource intensive process discovering what features do and don’t appeal to your users. This is the reason that so many eCommerce websites built on Shopify, Magento, BigCommerce and others eventually partner with dedicated eCommerce consultants, designers and developers to devise a successful design solution.

A consultant will help you discover the needs and preferences of your target audience and then will capitalize on their experience to create a responsive solution that meets those needs. Put down the pile of things before you and get in touch with the eCommerce experts at 1Digital? Agency at 888-982-8269 or at info@1digitalagency. As you might already know, when it comes to eCommerce designs, There’s Only 1Digital? – and if you didn’t know it yet, you will soon enough.


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