Do You Own a BigCommerce Store? Stop Making This 1 Mistake


Having an eCommerce store today has become so easy, half a million websites are created every day. This means that new websites must not only compete against already established actors that are dominating virtually every single niche in the market. They must also prove their websites offer more value than half a million other aspiring merchants that enlarge the competitor pool every single day.

To be fair, launching a store using the BigCommerce platform does offer slight advantages.

For instance, even your first attempt at building a website will produce decent results in terms of aesthetics and functionality. Unless you´re actively trying to sabotage yourself, building a decent online store can be pretty easy. BigCommerce operates on a drag-and-drop basis so you can quickly populate your website with quality graphics, and even the most basic templates are built based on solid user experience principles.

The tools available, even for beginners and entry-level users, are intuitive and incredibly helpful. Uploading your products and creating categories that feel intuitive and easy to navigate is a total breeze. In other words, the store almost builds itself when you’re using their software-as-a-service system.

BigCommerce has also implemented many tools that help implement payment options, giving everyone the ability to offer their customers plenty of alternatives for conversions.

At a technical level, the platform makes sure it is not easy for users to ruin their websites by playing with the wrong elements. Building a website without the help of a platform is not for the faint of heart as any small change can cause a domino effect that can take your website down and keep it there. In contrast, BigCommerce kind of railroads users and makes sure they stay well within certain parameters and their websites hardly ever experience downtime.

This all sounds perfect for those of us who trust BigCommerce with our online stores and livelihoods. However, all these advantages are also available for millions of other merchants who are actively begging Google to help them get steady traffic and sales. Moreover, more than 90% of eCommerce websites end in failure within the first three months. That means that even with all the advantages mentioned above, the vast majority of businesses end up in the recycling bin before they even complete a full fiscal year.

Many will enumerate a list of possible causes for this. Maybe it is the economy or the fact that their product was not competitive enough. Or maybe it’s just sheer bad luck. But these are the factors we can discover if we only look at the things that fail. What if we focused on the successful 10% for a change? What do all of them have in common?

For them, it’s the same economy, and a simple search is enough to reveal that many of their products are average at best when compared to what you have to offer. Go ahead, search for products similar to yours and see what you find.

Now, that little search should have revealed a couple of things. 1) Your products are probably equal or better in quality. 2) You could easily find perfect examples of that successful 10%. And that´s the key, what all these businesses have in common is that they have focused their efforts on being FOUND online quickly by using a BigCommerce SEO agency.

All you have to do is not make the same mistake millions of others fall into every day. Hire the best BigCommerce SEO agency for your industry and become part of that tiny fraction of online stores able to generate solid traffic and sustainable growth. 1DigitalⓇ Agency is the fastest growing BigComerce SEO agency according to big players such as Neil Patel and is right among the first recommendations offered by BigCommerce itself. What are you waiting for?

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