What an eCommerce SEO Expert KnowsThat Makes Their Services So Valuable


Do you consider yourself an eCommerce SEO expert? If you do, we advise you to read through the following points and be sure you understand them thoroughly, inside and out. If not, it might be in your best interest to head back to SEO University for a few months before claiming the expert title once more.

Here are (just some of) the things that a true eCommerce SEO expert really understands.

1.How to find broken links and disavow toxic backlinks
Everyone knows link building is critical to boosting your SEO score and your domain authority. Sensible internal linking structure utilizing the right anchor text, and backlinks from trustworthy sources all tell Google that your eCommerce website is “where it’s at.”

However, bad links are just as harmful as good links are helpful. A true SEO expert knows not only how to build links, but how to sniff out the bad ones and the broken ones and get rid of them.

2.What keywords to pursue, and which to forgo
Keyword research is difficult, intense, and time consuming. It’s hard to know which keywords you should really pursue for growing your eCommerce business. There are so many of them, and volume and search intent will vary wildly. So will minor variations in the keywords themselves.

An eCommerce SEO company worth its salt knows the fine points of differentiation between two seemingly similar keywords and will know which ones to pursue as part of their digital marketing strategies – as well as which ones to let go.

3.The difference between keyword optimization and keyword stuffing
Many providers of eCommerce SEO strategies struggle with this point. Keyword optimization is critical to producing content of which search engines will take note. Add one too many good keywords, however, and suddenly Google will throw up a huge red flag. Do you know how many is too many? An experienced eCommerce SEO agency does.

4.Why metadata and titles need to be optimized
Blogging is great, and so is the practice of optimizing your landing pages, product pages, category pages and other content-bearing pages. However, your titles and metadata should be optimized as a part of your strategy. These are some of the first things your target audience will see, anyway, and Google is on the lookout.

5.How to balance UX with content publication
SEO for eCommerce isn’t just about keywords. Well, it is about the keywords, but it’s also about the UX. Content on your website can’t be stuffed-silly. It needs to be informative, and preferably entertaining and engaging, much like this article you are currently reading, which, by the way, was drafted by a real life eCommerce SEO expert. Go figure.

6.Where – and when – to publish new content
Developing a content strategy for your online store as part of a long-term game plan is also valuable. Google is always looking for fresh content. This is not a one and done deal.

7.That speed matters – and what to do about it
A digital marketing agency will also be the first to tell you that speed matters, like, a lot. It’s a ranking signal and also a bounce-factor, so you need your site to load quickly. Providers of eCommerce SEO services have tricks up their sleeves to increase your eCommerce site’s speed. For example, they might optimize your images for load time.

This is, at best, a snapshot. If you want to learn more about getting your eCommerce website to the top of the search results, get in touch with the top providers of Genius eCommerce SEO services at GeniuseCommerce.com. No, really, that’s not a pun – visit their website at that link or contact them at [email protected] today.