Q&A with BigCommerce Developers

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There are currently over 50,000 BigCommerce websites in the world, and over 100,000 more have historically been platformed on it.

It is one of the most robust, capable eCommerce platforms in the industry.

On that note, it is also one of the few platforms, along with Magento and Shopify, that are specifically designed for eCommerce merchants.

BigCommerce, as a SaaS platform, offers online merchants nearly countless advantages. For instance, it streamlines inventory and admin management, allows for infinite product listings, and is compatible with a wide range of payment gateways.

This, of course, does not scratch the surface of what makes BigCommerce not only viable for eCommerce but centered around it.

However, while it has been developed to support selling online, BigCommerce developers themselves are in the business of making the platform “all it can be” for merchants in a wide range of industries.

We had some questions of our own, so we went to 1DigitalⓇ Agency, which has been supporting eCommerce merchants for ten years and whose team comprises Elite Certified BigCommerce developers.

Here’s what we had to ask and what they had to say.

1. Can BigCommerce developers help support digital marketing?
Yes – a little-known fact about development work is that it absolutely can support digital marketing, and in a creative number of ways.

Let’s say you have an eCommerce SEO campaign current. Improving site speed, security and structure can boost your SEO scores. These are also things that BigCommerce developers can perform for you.

Development can also support paid marketing, too. Paid channels that direct traffic to poorly optimized landing pages will rarely if ever convert. A BigCommerce developer can rectify that issue for you.

Also, development is heavily linked to branding. Since BigCommerce development experts can completely redo and (with the help of designers, with whom they typically work very closely) create a custom design for a BigCommerce store, they can better support brand image.

2. Can BigCommerce developers create custom apps?
Yes, while BigCommerce is compatible with a wide, wide range of 3rd party apps with which it can be relatively easily integrated, BigCommerce developers can create custom apps and tools for your customers to use to enjoy a better user experience.

The main key to success here is the developer’s skill in creating the app. The second piece of the puzzle is BigCommerce’s relatively open API.

3. What does it mean when BigCommerce says it has an “open” API?
An API, or application programming interface, is the system that connects a platform of software with another platform of software. It is the API that enables integration, allowing two technological tools to share data and work together.

Oftentimes, it is difficult to “combine” two “sets” of software through their APIs. However, BigCommerce uses about 25 different open APIs that the public (developers) can access to make integrations.

4. Can developers create custom themes?
BigCommerce offers 12 high-quality free themes which an online merchant can install on his or her own without the need for a developer. It also offers nearly 200 additional premium themes that can also easily be purchased and installed.

However, BigCommerce developers can also code and create custom themes for online stores built on the BigCommerce platform – which, thanks to the platform’s relatively open API, are easy to install.

Partner with the Industry’s Best BigCommerce Developers
Need a BigCommerce developer to help you unlock some of the hidden potential of this amazingly capable, robust platform?

Don’t settle for less than the best. We went straight to 1DigitalⓇ Agency’s BigCommerce Elite developers, who have extensive experience with website development services, for the information in this post – if you need more yourself, you can do the same.

Visit their website to learn more about their BigCommerce developers’ capabilities or contact their web development and design teams at 888-982-8269 or [email protected].