7 Questions to Ask an eCommerce Design Agency


If you choose to utilize the experience of an eCommerce design agency to the greatest effect, you’ll want to make sure that you’re making the right choice. By right choice, that means partnering with a design agency that maintains a team of experienced designers, works in a broad number of industries, can revolutionize your user experience (UX) and stands on a history of success.

To be sure of that, ask these following questions – and pay close attention to the answers!

1.Do you have experience serving my industry?
One of the first items you will want to ascertain is whether or not the designer you’re interested in has any experience in your industry. Many of their credentials may not seem quite as impressive if they don’t understand your jargon or your customers!

2.Can you provide me with a list or showcase of work performed for prior clients?
While it’s a real confidence-booster to work with a designer that you justifiably believe has experience in your corner of the industry, a history of success that can be proven, even visually relayed, is just as important if not more so.

An experienced designer should be ready with references or with a portfolio of past client projects that literally does the talking for them. A picture says a thousand words; pay close attention to the designer’s past work.

3.What platforms do you work with?
One more thing you’ll want to know more about is what platforms the eCommerce design in question works with. It’s great if your choice designer has a portfolio stacked with evidence of skill and success, but a little deflating if they don’t know the ins and outs of the platform you use.

Expertise with a proprietary platform is a bonus, as long as it’s the platform that you actually use. eCommerce web design specialists should have experience with BigCommerce, Shopify, Volusion and Magento, among others.

4.What types of custom tools can you – or have you – created in the past?
You’ll also want to take this opportunity to learn more about the custom tools that the designer can create for you to revolutionize your users’ shopping experience and boost conversion rates. Let them know at the outset if you want some really out-of-the-box thinking and solutions for long-term success.

5.Do you offer additional development services as well, in case there are bugs or other issues?
Design often accompanies development, which is why so many providers are styled as design and development companies. Moreover, eCommerce web development can help you step around or fix bugs when they arise.

6.How do you get to understand what appeals to my target audience?
You’ll want to have confidence that the eCommerce design agency you partner with will take some quality time to get to learn what appeals to your target audience so that the final product will, too.

7.Do you offer digital marketing services to help me attract new clients?
The search for an eCommerce design agency is a great opportunity to score a full-service eCommerce agency that pairs the experience of a marketing agency with that of designers and developers. The holistic solution for your online store won’t just entail the visual interface – it will also involve marketing solutions like SEO, PPC, and social media campaigns to bring you new business.

If the answers to these questions leave you with a warm, fuzzy feeling, there’s a good chance you’ve just landed on a designer that’s going to serve your needs well.

Speaking of excellence in eCommerce website designs, there’s only one top spot, and There’s Only 1DigitalⓇ. Their history of success speaks for itself, as does their client portfolio. Visit their website, 1DigitalAgency.com or get in touch with them at 888-982-8269 today to learn more about how you can improve your eCommerce website design, user interface and user experience.


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