8 PPC Ad Tactics You Need to Increase Your Conversions


Digital marketing entails a lot of diligence, patience, and hard work, no matter what business you have, what products/services you’re selling, or how much knowledge you have in the business. Everything minute tactic you use counts.

Why? Because the internet is bursting with countless other eCommerce businesses out there doing similar marketing tactics– day after day after day.

One of the most popular forms of digital marketing advertising is PPC. PPC, which stands for pay-per-click, is where marketers pay a fee each time their advertisement is clicked. While this is the most favored form of advertising currently, that doesn’t mean you are definitely going to increase your conversions when using it.

Successful PPC campaigns are only such for almost countless reasons. Want to know how to have your own successful PPC campaign? Here are just eight PPC tactics you need to start implementing now to increase your conversion rates.

1.Hire a Knowledgeable Team from an Established eCommerce PPC Agency
You know how you consider yourself an expert in your business and field? Well, those who work in an eCommerce PPC agency are experts, too– but in PPC advertising. If you want to get it right, you gotta do it right– and do it right these professionals shall.

2.Include High-Quality Photos
In any advertisement, the case can be made that photos sell. But, not just any photos– high-quality images that sublimely portray a product, service, or idea. It should grab the attention of the desired audience and make them want to purchase that product or service. Make sure your PPC ads have such images because, after all, a picture is worth a thousand words.

3.Say More While Saying Less
It’s not just the images you use, but what you say in your PPC ads that also matters. Steer away from lengthy, over-the-top nonsense. No one wants to read a paragraph if they don’t have to. Go for succinct and pithy. Need an example? We have two words for you: Got Milk?

4.Be Unique
While you can obviously gain some insight when researching successful ad campaigns, you shouldn’t just “be like the rest of them.” Stand out! Be unique! Your customers will notice it.

5.Avoid Looking Spammy
While uniqueness is great, make sure you don’t appear too spammy. There is nothing more that customers loathe than spam or any semblance of it. Try not to include too many directives or be using keyword-stuffing practices. Not only will that deter your desired customers, but Google sure won’t like it either (and you don’t want to poke that bear!).

6.Make It Time-Sensitive (Bonus Points for Including a Deal)
Adding time-sensitive phrases can drive your customers to take action rather than not. For example, “Time is running out on this sale!” could work far better than “Check out our clothes.” Including a deal (free audiobook, free course, discounts, etc.) will bode even better for you, too!

7.Speak Their Language
Closely consider your desired audience and speak their language. For example, if they are Gen Z (9 to 24 years old), you can try including some quirky emojis or “now” slogans that will cater to them. If they are vegans, you can use terminologies that only they value (and are searching for).

8.Optimize Ad Copy
Remember what we said about “saying more by saying less?” That still stands, yes, but you should also be optimizing this copy for SEO (search engine optimization), so do some diligent keyword research to increase your online visibility and Google search rankings.

When you are looking for a team of knowledgeable and experienced PPC professionals to help you out, then you need the best eCommerce PPC agency– and that’s certainly 1Digital® Agency. They know what your business needs to flourish, especially in PPC ads and management. Get started by calling them today at 888-982-8269.

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