Reasons why your business can’t overlook SEO


If you are wondering if your business needs to invest in SEO, the answer is absolutely ‘YES’ if you want to move your business towards sustainability and growth in today’s business scenario. SEO is around us for more than a decade now and it is responsible for driving the lion’s share of the traffic received by the most successful websites. Studies show that SEO is a crucial component of revenue generation and it is the largest driver of website traffic across different sectors. There is no doubt about the power of SEO in driving organic traffic to websites. With organic search growing at a fast pace than the other channels, here are the top reasons why your business cannot overlook SEO.

Reasons why your business can’t overlook SEO

• Organic search delivers the most traffic to websites. Studies show that over fifty percent of traffic to websites happen through organic search.

• Looking at the share, 83 percent of the traffic comes from search engines while about 17 percent only comes through paid search.

• It is strange that most companies allocate more funds for paid search though organic search makes up the majority of searches done on the internet.

• SEO can assure organic traffic that is free of any media cost. SEO can result in a substantial ROI that is much higher than most other channels. Content optimized for the target audience is highly preferred by the search engines.

• Most tasks connected to SEO help organize and perfect your website and make it easier for the investors to transact and navigate through the site. Thus while working in the lines of SEO, you land on twin benefits.

• SEO success also secures a significant share of the voice on the search engines results pages. Therefore, this internal component of your brand helps create brand trust.

• Since SEO rankings are considered a mark of the trust search engines have placed in your website, he conversion rates of SEO traffic is often very high. Though paid searches provide quick results, they lack the authenticity and hence must be paired with proven SEO strategies.

• With regard to products and services having a long sales cycle, organic search is the most important part of the research process. To create a list of options for products and services, people depend majorly on search engines and make use of the opinions and reviews to guide their decision.

• SEO and social media channels are highly collaborative. Fresh results are crucial for some queries. Social signals can severely impact and also decide the positioning in the search engines’ results. Your brand’s online presence is highly shaped by social media and it also helps drive traffic to your site.

• SEO research insights can highly help understand the user intent and develop a content that can address the intent effectively.

• SEO always enjoys a global reach and the legitimate link building you achieve through SEO can help develop a content useful to people and turn them your potential buyers.

While these are some solid reasons why SEO is highly relevant to today’s business scenario, you must find the best SEO services Calgary to land on the best ROI on your SEO.


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